Command-line tools#


Dump filenames to a YAML-file.


One has to choose how to store the filenames in the YAML-file:

  • Default: filenames are made relative to the --root and normalised.

  • --abspath: make all paths absolute.

  • --raw: turn off normalisation.


If you have too many arguments you can hit the pipe-limit. In that case, use xargs:

find . -name "*.py" | xargs shelephant_dump -o dump.yaml

or you can use --command such that shelephant executes the command for you:

shelephant_dump -o dump.yaml --command find . -name '*.py'


If you have search pattern you can store it in a YAML-file:

# search.yaml
- rglob: '*.h5'
- rglob: '*.yaml'

and use it as follows:

shelephant_dump -o dump.yaml --search search.yaml

Note that the search pattern is executed in the directory of the YAML-file and all paths are stored relative to the YAML-file.

usage: shelephant_dump [-h] [-o Path] [--search Path] [-a] [-i] [-e str]
                       [-E str] [-k str] [--fmt str] [-c] [--cwd str] [--raw]
                       [--abspath] [--root str] [-s] [-f] [-v] [--all] [-r]
                       [str ...]

Positional Arguments#



Named Arguments#

-o, --output

Output YAML-file.

Default: shelephant_dump.yaml


Read search-patterns from YAML-file

-a, --append

Append existing file

Default: False

-i, --info

Add information (sha256, size)

Default: False

-e, --exclude

Exclude input matching this pattern

-E, --exclude-extension

Exclude input with this extension (e.g. “.bak”)

Default: []

-k, --keep

Keep only input matching this regex


Formatter of each line, e.g. "mycmd {}"

-c, --command

Interpret arguments as a command (instead of as filenames) an run it

Default: False


Directory to run --command


No path-normalisation of input

Default: False


Store as absolute paths

Default: False


Root for relative paths (default: directory of output file)

-s, --sort

Sort output

Default: False

-f, --force

Overwrite output file without prompt

Default: False

-v, --version

Dump all files in the working directory

Default: False

-r, --recursive

Recursively dump files (implies –all)

Default: False


Collect information about a remote directory (on a remote SSH host). This information is stored in a YAML-file (default: shelephant_hostinfo.yaml):

root: <path>      # relative to the YAML-file, or absolute
ssh: <user@host>  # (optional) remote SSH host
dump: <dump>      # (optional, excludes "search") yaml-file to read list of files from
search:           # (optional, excludes "dump") search information, must be set by hand
    - ...
files:            # (optional) list of files (from "search" / "dump", or set by hand)
    - ...


  1. Create hostinfo:

    # set "root"
    shelephant_hostinfo <path>
    # set "root" and "ssh"
    shelephant_hostinfo <path> --ssh <user@host>
    # set "root" (and "ssh") and "dump", and update "files"
    shelephant_hostinfo <path> --dump [shelephant_dump.yaml]
    shelephant_hostinfo <path> --dump [shelephant_dump.yaml] --ssh <user@host>
  2. Update hostinfo (update “files”):

    # update "files" based on "dump" or "search"
    shelephant_hostinfo --update [shelephant_hostinfo.yaml]

usage: shelephant_hostinfo [-h] [-o Path] [-d [Path]] [--ssh str] [-u] [-i]
                           [-f] [--verbose] [--version]

Positional Arguments#


Path to remote directory.

Named Arguments#

-o, --output

Output YAML-file.

Default: shelephant_hostinfo.yaml

-d, --dump

YAML-file containing a list of files.


Remote SSH host (e.g. user@host).

-u, --update

Update “files” based on “dump” or “search”.

Default: False

-i, --info

Add information (sha256, size).

Default: False

-f, --force

Force overwrite output.

Default: False


Print commands (only SSH remote).

Default: False


show program’s version number and exit


Copy files listed in a (field of a) YAML-file. These filenames are assumed either relative to the YAML-file or absolute.


shelephant_cp <sourceinfo.yaml> <dest_dirname>
shelephant_cp <sourceinfo.yaml> <dest_dirname_on_host> --ssh <user@host>
shelephant_cp <sourceinfo.yaml> <destinfo.yaml>


Files that are marked as equal are not touched.

usage: shelephant_cp [-h] [--ssh str] [--colors str] [--mode str] [-f] [-q]
                     [-n] [-v] [--ignore-prefix] [--verbose]
                     Path Path

Positional Arguments#


Source information.


Destination directory/information.

Named Arguments#


SSH destination (e.g. user@host).


Color scheme [none, dark].

Default: “dark”


Use ‘sha256’, ‘rsync’, and/or ‘basic’ to compare files.

Default: “sha256,basic”

-f, --force

Overwrite without prompt.

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Do not print progress.

Default: False

-n, --dry-run

Print copy-plan and exit.

Default: False

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit


Ignore prefix in source/dest

Default: False


Verbose commands.

Default: False


Move files listed in a (field of a) YAML-file. These filenames are assumed either relative to the YAML-file or absolute.


shelephant_mv <sourceinfo.yaml> <dest_dirname>

usage: shelephant_mv [-h] [--colors str] [-f] [-q] [-n] [-v] Path Path

Positional Arguments#


Source information.


Destination directory.

Named Arguments#


Color scheme [none, dark].

Default: “dark”

-f, --force

Overwrite without prompt.

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Do not print progress.

Default: False

-n, --dry-run

Print copy-plan and exit.

Default: False

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit


Remove files listed in a (field of a) YAML-file. These filenames are assumed either relative to the YAML-file or absolute.


shelephant_rm <sourceinfo.yaml>

usage: shelephant_rm [-h] [-f] [-q] [-n] [--verbose] [-v] Path

Positional Arguments#


Source information.

Named Arguments#

-f, --force

Remove without prompt.

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Do not print progress.

Default: False

-n, --dry-run

Print copy-plan and exit.

Default: False


Print commands (only SSH remote).

Default: False

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit


usage: shelephant_diff [-h] [--ssh str] [--colors str] [--mode str]
                       [--sort str] [--table str] [--filter str] [-o Path]
                       [-f] [--version]
                       Path Path

Positional Arguments#


Source information.


Destination directory/information.

Named Arguments#


SSH destination (e.g. user@host).


Color scheme [none, dark].

Default: “dark”


Use ‘sha256’, ‘rsync’, or ‘basic’.

Default: “sha256”


Sort printed table by column.


Select print style.



Filter to direction (separated by ‘,’).

-o, --output

Dump as YAML file.

-f, --force

Force overwrite output.

Default: False


show program’s version number and exit


Parse a YAML-file, and print to screen.

usage: shelephant_parse [-h] [-v] Path

Positional Arguments#


File path.

Named Arguments#

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit